POP Boudoir

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Toni's Boudoir Experience

1. What made you choose POP Boudoir?
Previously seeing Shana's work and knowing how uplifting she is towards a woman’s image of herself. Knowing that she has been where I have with her previous weightloss journey herself made me feel more confident and comfortable about choosing her.

2. How did you feel before your session?
I was nervous before my session. Losing a ton of weight I still had an image of myself that no longer existed.

3. What were you nervous about going into your session?
I was nervous about my image of myself. I was nervous about being naked/almost naked and vulnerable.

4. What was your favorite part of the experience?
All the laughter and great conversation. Oh and the amazing client closet!

5. How do you feel now that you've completed your session?
I feel super confident looking back at my photos. I've really enjoyed just looking back and remembering all of the laughs, fun, and just the confidence she instilled in me during our session. It was overall a great experience.

6. Would you recommend POP Boudoir to others?
Absolutely, without a doubt, I would, and I have recommended Shana and POP Boudoir to anyone and everyone. She was very professional, easy to work with, and understanding of any doubts or worries I had. She knew what angles not to shoot my curvaceous body at, and got faces out of me I didn't know I had. She gave me confidence that I haven't had in years. THANK YOU SO MUCH SHANA!